Close your eyes and picture yourself a hundred years back when your great-great parents lived and had a farm with chickens, roosters, pigs, goats, cows, dogs, cats, turkeys, and rabbits. I can see it as clearly as the sun and the blue sky, I can even smell the horse manure I love so much from way back when. I apologize if I get a bit nostalgic, but once I was accused of having an old soul, whatever that may mean. Go figure.
Today, we will show you the world of vintage black & white pictures to bring back memories and stories your grand parents might have told you and hope you are having a lovely time doing so. I am, we all have and always will. Blessings.

Fantastic Photos and thank you for watching. Be blessed and have a great day.
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Our main web address is for any of your poultry or pet needs. See you there. Thank you again and be blessed.