Beginning with my chickens I had no clue what to do, although I grew up with chickens and always liked them, I never knew anything about breeds or egg sizes or what illness say could have. So was interested in finding the perfect book on raising chickens to learn more about on how to keep a happy flock, and I believe perhaps as well as you.
If so, just keep on scrolling down and you will find the right one for you. Chickens are the most adorable creatures on the planet and so useful. My heart jumps for joy when I come around the corner and my babies come flying and wabbling towards me wanting treats and hugs.
The following list of books will give you the inside of what you need to know about keeping a happy and healthy flock in your backyard or free roaming on your gigantic property. I hope you will find the right book for you and order it instantly to begin your new adventure and a life of significance. How wonderful it is to share your eggs, the fertilizer and your knowledge and find more in a keeping chickens book.
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Raising Backyard Chickens: A Beginner’s Guide to a Healthy Flock, Boosting Egg Production, and Fresh Eggs for Life!
Daniel A. Hart
Your practical, beginner-friendly guide to enjoying a sustainable lifestyle by raising chickens in your own backyard!
Tired of relying on the supermarket every time you run out of eggs?
Do you want to raise chickens of your own but are completely lost on where to begin?
Do you want to not only raise chickens, but also get access to farm-fresh eggs right from your backyard without spending a fortune?
In the US alone, the trend of raising backyard chickens has been on the rise in the last 5 years.
According to The Washington Post, an average American eats 279 eggs per year. This alone has contributed to a 50-year high in egg sales.
However, horrified by what goes on in commercial production, many Americans are moving towards raising backyard chickens for a healthy source of eggs and poultry.
But there is more to a chicken than meets the eye.
These social birds make for excellent pets—they love being around humans and are great for kids as well.
Your flock also frees you from the trouble of sweeping your backyard for weeds, bugs, and pests as chickens are natural pest killers.
The best part? You can sell the surplus eggs at your local market. This makes raising chickens a cheap and lucrative craft.
You may think it all seems great… but how do you even begin? It’s not like you bring chickens home one fine evening and they’ll start laying eggs for you.
Don’t worry, raising chickens in your backyard is not rocket science—even you can do it!
In Raising Backyard Chickens, you will discover:
- A beginner-friendly approach to raising chickens in your backyard
- Practical suggestions for choosing the right rooster and hen breeds
- Various chicken behaviors and how you can take care of your flock
- A complete guide to setting up a backyard chicken enclosure—build your own from scratch or buy one, we’ve got you covered
- Coop essentials—everything you need on nesting boxes, bedding materials, waterers, and feeders, right at your fingertips! (Plus, a step-by-step guide on cleaning the coop)
- All you will ever need to know about eggs—from training your hens to egg collection strategies (and even how to boost egg production!)
- The definitive guide to raising chicks—build your own brooder and raise healthy chicks
- Nourishment plans and diets for your flock—give your chickens nutritious food at various stages of development
And much more.
Raising chickens in your backyard introduces you to a new lifestyle—a sustainable way of living without having to rely on commercial produce. It is also a wholesome family activity.
As the old saying goes: opportunities, like eggs, come one at a time.
If you want a hassle-free way to raise chickens in your backyard, then scroll up and click “Order Here On Amazon” right now.

Raising Backyard Chickens: A Beginner’s Guide to a Healthy Flock, Boosting Egg Production, and Fresh Eggs for Life!
Daniel A. Hart

A Beginner's Guide To Raising Chickens How To Raise A Happy Backyard Flock
Anne Kuo
A beginner’s guide to ruling the roost and raising happy backyard chickens
The Beginner’s Guide to Raising Chickens makes it easy to start keeping these surprisingly smart birds right in your own backyard. From constructing coops to rearing chicks, you’ll learn everything you need to know to make sure your chickens stay happy and healthy all year round.
Which breed of chicken is right for you? What’s the best bedding material? What sort of feed should you use? Expert chicken keeper Anne Kuo answers these questions―and many others―in this fun and friendly reference book that will get you excited to raise your new feathered friends.
This book on raising chickens guides you through:
- Getting from the chicken to the egg―Find out how to raise chicks, keep your birds safe from predators, introduce new birds to the flock, and more.
- Creating a custom coop―Build the perfect home for raising chickens with detailed backyard coop construction guides.
- Expert care advice―Learn how to identify different behaviors in your chicken, help solve egg shortages, and navigate a range of potential surprises with confidence.
Get your first flock started successfully with The Beginner’s Guide to Raising Chickens.

A Beginner's Guide To Raising Chickens How To Raise A Happy Backyard Flock
Anne Kuo

The Chicken Chick's Guide To Backyard Chickens, Simple Steps For Healthy, Happy Hens
Kathy Shea Mormino
The Chicken Chick's Guide to Backyard Chickens covers all aspects of keeping pet chickens in a beautifully illustrated, no-nonsense format. Kathy addresses everything needed to keep chickens simply, including coops, chick care, breed selection, chicken health, and beyond!
Internationally known as The Chicken Chick, Kathy Shea Mormino brings an informative style and fresh perspective on raising backyard chickens to millions of fans around the world. An attorney by profession, Kathy is the founder and one-woman creative force behind her wildly popular and award-winning Facebook page and blog,
Now her practical, down-to-earth approach to chicken-keeping is available in book form. Sharing her years of hard-earned experience and collaborations with poultry veterinarians, nutritionists, and professors, she provides simple steps to care for these uncommon pets with confidence. Kathy’s personality permeates the book as she guides newbie, veteran, and would-be backyard chickeneers alike through all aspects of small-flock care—from getting into the hobby to housing, feeding, egg production, health, and much more.
The Chicken Chick's Guide To Backyard Chickens, Simple Steps For Healthy, Happy Hens
Kathy Shea Mormino

How To Speak Chicken, Why Your Chickens Do What They Do & Say What They Say
Melissa Caughey
Best-selling author Melissa Caughey knows that backyard chickens are like any favorite pet — fun to spend time with and fascinating to observe. Her hours among the flock have resulted in this quirky, irresistible guide packed with firsthand insights into how chickens communicate and interact, use their senses to understand the world around them, and establish pecking order and roles within the flock. Combining her up-close observations with scientific findings and interviews with other chicken enthusiasts, Caughey answers unexpected questions such as Do chickens have names for each other? How do their eyes work? and How do chickens learn?
Foreword INDIES Silver Award Winner

How To Speak Chicken, Why Your Chickens Do What They Do & Say What They Say
Melissa Caughy
From addled to wind egg and crossed beak to zygote, the terminology of everything chicken is demystified in The Chicken Encyclopedia. Complete with breed descriptions, common medical concerns, and plenty of chicken trivia, this illustrated A-to-Z reference guide is both informative and entertaining. Covering tail types, breeding, molting, communication, and much more, Gail Damerow provides answers to all of your chicken questions and quandaries. Even seasoned chicken farmers are sure to discover new information about the multifaceted world of these fascinating birds.

The Chicken Health Handbook, A Complete Guide To Maximizing Flock health and Dealing with Disease
Gail Damerow
Healthy chickens are happy chickens. This one-of-a-kind reference book covers the health problems that plague chickens of all breeds and ages. Practical charts identify common symptoms and causes of infection, while an alphabetic listing of diseases provides advice on treatment. You’ll find helpful descriptions of troublesome ailments of all types, from poor egg production to crooked toe syndrome. Practical remedies and gentle preventative care measures will help your beloved flock stay happy, healthy, and safe.

The Chicken Health Handbook, A Complete Guide To Maximizing Flock health and Dealing with Disease
Gail Damerow

Storey's Guide To Raising Chickens The Most Trusted Reference Series
Gail Damerow
Serious poultry farmers and backyard bird raisers have relied on this best-selling reference for more than 20 years. The fourth edition of Gail Damerow’s comprehensive handbook is now completely revised and redesigned, making it more accessible and informative than ever. You’ll get the most up-to-date details on shelter, food, health care, eggs, chicks, and meat, and recent research into chicken behavior and communication makes the sections on flock management truly authoritative. New color photos and illustrations provide more specificity and information about chicken breeds, anatomy, and health.

Storey's Guide To Raising Chickens The Most Trusted Reference Series
Gail Damerow
Discover how raising your own chickens can be a fun and profitable endeavor
Chickens are the perfect addition to any backyard, farm, or homestead, whether for eggs, meat, fun, becoming more self-sufficient, or profit. While raising chickens sounds like fun, most people who want to start their own flock simply don’t know where to start.
You’re probably asking yourself:
- Can I raise chickens in my area?
- What breed is best for my needs?
- How many chickens should I get?
- Is raising chickens difficult?
- What do I need to raise healthy, happy chickens?
Raising Chickens for Beginners is a comprehensive, practical guide that not only answers these questions, but also covers everything you need to know in order to raise healthy, happy chickens. This book can help you get the most out of your flock with step-by-step instructions and useful tips for beginners. You will learn all the dos and don’ts of starting and maintaining a healthy flock.
Here’s what you’ll discover in Raising Chickens for Beginners:
- How to pick the best breed for your needs
- Options for getting chickens and where you can buy them from
- Everything you need to know about housing, runs, and fencing for your flock
- How to feed your chickens depending on their purpose and age
- How to keep your chickens healthy
- How to breed chickens and raise chicks
- Everything you need to know about egg production
- How to raise chickens for meat, when and how to butcher them, and how to store poultry
- How to put your chickens to work in the garden and compost chicken manure
- How to start a chicken faming business or simply make some money on the side by selling eggs and meat
And much more…
Raising your own chickens may have seen out of reach for many reasons; however, I’m here to tell you that it’s not as difficult as it seems. I used to visit my grandma on her farm when I was a kid, and that’s where I first encountered these lovely, smart birds. I’ve kept a homestead of my own my whole life, and I’ve encountered my fair share of difficulties running a backyard homestead and raising chickens. When I first started, I thought it would take years to learn all the ins and outs. In fact, it did. That’s why I’m sharing all of that knowledge with you today in one convenient place.
With this book you can save yourself time and energy by following all of the tips, tricks, and advice you’ll find within. Gain meaningful knowledge in the step-by-step, easy-to-follow chapters, and use this book as a reference to overcome any obstacles you might face along the way.
Join thousands of others who have taken the leap to a more sustainable and enjoyable lifestyle by raising their own chickens and enjoying all the benefits that come from having your own flock!

The Intermediate Guide to Raising Chickens: How to Expand and Maintain a Happy Backyard Flock (Raising Chickens Guide)
Amber Bradshaw
Take your chicken-raising to the next level with this intermediate guide
Now that you’ve been raising chickens for a while and know that you’re in it for the long haul, you’ll need specific guidance designed for the second year and beyond. The Intermediate Guide to Raising Chickens offers comprehensive information, step-by-step instructions, and detailed diagrams to help your established backyard flock thrive and grow for years to come. Learn the best ways to keep your chickens happy and healthy, from enriching their environment to treating common ailments and ensuring proper nutrition.
This mid-level guide to raising chickens includes:
- A focus on chickens’ needs―Learn about a chicken’s hierarchy of needs and how you can accommodate their safety, thermal comfort, access to food and water, and ability to frolic and socialize.
- Grow your flock―Once you feel confident caring for your flock, consider expanding it with advice on how to breed chickens, hatch eggs, and care for newborn chicks.
- Go beyond your backyard―Turn your backyard chickens into a small business with tips for selling eggs, chicks, and adult birds.
Manage and improve your chicken flock with The Intermediate Guide to Raising Chickens.

The Intermediate Guide to Raising Chickens: How to Expand and Maintain a Happy Backyard Flock (Raising Chickens Guide)
Amber Bradshaw

Complete Guide To Raising Chickens (eBook)
Rita Maries - $15.00 (was $29.00 - you safe $14.00)
Product Details & Brand: Rita Marie's
If you are new to chickens, then don't miss out on this thorough guide to raising chickens. How many chickens should you get? What breed? What size coop should you have? What about yard or run space? What do you feed them? How do you pick healthy chickens? What should you expect for daily chores? We answer all of those questions and more with this easy-to-read eBook. When you're done reading, you will be armed with the information you need to plan for your flock.
- 26 Pages of Content
- Standard PDF File
- Mobile-Friendly PDF File
- eBook Format for Kindle and Nook
- Chicken Coop Sizing Chart
- Egg Estimating Chart
This is a digital resource, and does NOT include printed materials.
Check out more specific books on the Best Chicken Breeds and other Poultry Varieties Books just click on the below link.

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Have an adorable happy chicken day.
Your friend,